Sunday, December 11, 2011


*This post was written a few days after I got home which was about a month ago.  A lot of life has happened in a short period of time but I don't want to neglect or leave out stories from my time at Shepherd's Field.  Red will indicate updates since the post was written and more posts will follow. * 

I landed at DFW Saturday evening and it's been a whirlwind since then.  After doing a 180 twist on my sleep and diet, my body was confused to say the least.  Lots of water (my cure for everything) and some melatonin have helped push me in the right direction.

It took me two full weeks to get my body turned around.  

My last day at Shepherd's Field was perfect.  

The morning began with a special ceremony at the school.  All of the children were gathered and Grady was called to the front.  The "Grady-ometer" was there with a pallet and brush and it was announced that the remaining funds had been raised!! The whole class clapped with excitement and the teacher's jaws dropped.  Soon, he will be on a fast train to Nanjing to receive corrective surgery for his severe scoliosis.  PTL!

Update: Grady is in Nanjing! 

inn-mates ;) 
Howard greeted me enthusiastically as always and handed me a gift.  He was so excited for me to open it and said he wanted to thank me for being his teacher and helping him with his English.  I opened the box to find a beautiful frame.  There was some Chinese written on it and then across the bottom it said "Grandma"..... Yes, in English.  I tried so hard to stifle my laughter as he waited with anticipation to see if I liked it.  I assured him it was wonderful and thanked him profusely. Part of me felt I had clearly failed as his teacher yet the other part of me could not get over how "China" this really was.

Lunch: Chao Bing
Grady told me the cook must have known it was my last day since he made my favorite dish.

Instead of English class we had a party in the inn.   We ate brownies, watched Philip sing silly songs, laughed and took pictures. It was perfect and wonderful!

My English class
All the girls living in the inn
Thank you for faithfully lifting me up while I was in China.  Please continue to lift up the children, staff, volunteers, and waiting families of Shepherd's Field.  

"Now that I have seen, 
I am responsible
Fa!th without deeds is dead
Now that I have held you in my own arms, 
I cannot let go 'til you are

I am on a plane across a distant sea
But I carry you in me
And the dust on, the dust on
the dust on my feet

I will tell the world, 
I will tell them where I've been 
I will keep my word
I will tell them Albertine" 
- Brooke Fraser "Albertine"